MecSoft VisualCADCAM 2017
Feature detection and feature based milling have been introduced. Machining features such as 3 axis pockets, prismatic pockets, slots, planar faces, and bosses can now be detected in solid models (both surface and meshes) and toolpath methods applied to these features.
New 4 axis drive surface operation for true 4 axis milling has been introduced.
New slot milling operation for single line and trochoidal machining of slots has been introduced.
Feed rate slowdown in corners has been implemented in the toolpath editor.
Tooltip help and algebraic operations in all dialogs have been implemented.
“Feature based machining and automated milling has arrived with VisualCAD/CAM 2017! This new release turbocharges the productivity for our users and ushers in intelligent automation in machining at a price point that is simply hard to match. With a continued emphasis on automation of programming, along with our constant focus on improving our toolpath methods, we are proud to release this product to our customers,“ stated Joe Anand, president, and CEO of MecSoft Corp.